Silagum Comfort VPS-Based Relining Material


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Silagum Comfort Precision Impression Material

Key Features:
  • Excellent bond
  • Superior tear strength
  • Odorless and tasteless
  • User-friendly handling
  • Permanently soft
  • Highly esthetic due to color stability
Permanently soft denture delining.

Silagum-Comfort is the tried and tested Vinylpolysiloxane soft relining material for total, partial and implant-anchored dentures. Its outstanding advantages: The methyl methacrylate-free product provides reliable bonding with all commercially available prosthetic materials and outstanding tear resistance. This has been investigated and confirmed by an independent study conducted by the renowned Nordic Institute of Dental Materials (NIOM, Oslo).*

In addition, Silagum-Comfort is odorless and tasteless, well tolerated by the patient, and, thanks to its excellent color stability, highly esthetic.

Applying Silagum-Comfort Primer and Silagum-Comfort onto prothesis
Brand DMG
Category Impression
Subcategory Impression Material
Subcategory VPS Vinyl Polysiloxane